One of my favorite men's magazines that i tolerate is Men's Journal, i really appreciated there most recent issue on "how to win at everything." One of my favorites is "win an argument with your wife."
Winning an argument with your wife is like winning the war with Iraq: Once you win you're in even more trouble. And just to be clear, in 11 years of marriage i have never won an argument with my wife. But if you're still bent on trying with yours, here are five rules you should keep in mind:
1) Make sure you are 100 percent factually correct. Don't use any information from the CIA.
2) Keep repeating your basic message: "Honey, you're smart, you're beautiful, buth this one time, I'm right."
3) Don't point out that she is wrong; emphasize that you're right. Negative campaigning is for swift boat veterans.
4) Arguments with your wife, like elections, should focus on the future. Let's say there's a disagreement over where to go on vacation in 2005. She will bring up your behavior while you were dating in 1992. Don't respond! Once that happens you've lost - you won't remember anything and she will remember everything.
5) No yelling. If you want to yell and argue, get a job on Crossfire. The only differences is on Crossfire we never have make-up sex.