Thursday, November 18, 2004

The greatest Presbo of the 20th Century

Right now i am watching Dr. John H. Gerstners long video series, Handout Theology.
He makes exciting even the most mundane of theological truths. I know of no man who proclaimed & defended the Reformed faith so vigerously & persuasively than Gerstner the great. He was unstopable till the day he died in 1996. I plan on transfering all 20 or so video's into DVD very soon, i can't commend this series more to any Protestants that love the truth. However, be forwarned, Gerstner is not for the faint of heart or weak minded.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Veterans Day!

Thank God for the soldiers that have gone before us & spilled their blood for the cause of freedom in America.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

terrorism- new and old

i'm reminded of that great sermon of Samuel Davies, "apostle of Virginia," entitled
The curse of cowardice, in 1758 to their militia taken from Jeremiah xLviii.10
cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully; and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.

Here is a little snippet...

But when, in this corrupt, disordered state of things, where the lusts of men are perpetually embroiling the world with wars and fighting's, throwing all in confusion; when ambition and avarice would rob us of our property, for which we have toiled, and on which we subist; when they would enslave the free-born mind, and compel us meanly to cringe to usurpation and arbitrary power; when they would tear from our eager grasp the most valuable blessing of heaven, i mean our religion; when they invade our country, formerly the region of tranquility, ravage our frontiers, butcher our fellow subjects, or confine them in a barbarous captivity in the dens of savages; when our earthly all is ready to be seized by rapacious hands, and even our eternal all is in danger by the loss of our religion: when this is the case, what is, then, the will of God? Must peace then be maintained, maintained with our perfidious and cruel invaders? maintained at the expense of property, liberty, life, and every thing dear and valuable? maintained, when it is in our power to vindicate our right, and do ourselves justice? Is the work of peace then our only business? No: in such a time, even the God of Peace proclaims by his providence, "To arms!"

brand new blogger

thought i would get into the mix, i hope i can find the time to devote on this blog... it could be fun????